Sunday, June 15, 2014


On Father's Day this year, Dave and I had such a nice, relaxing family day!  We started off the day by going for a walk at Centennial Lake and then headed over to Longhorn Steakhouse for a fabulous lunch.  We got a nice surprise when we ran into my parents at the lake because Sky was got to see her Gamma and Gdad.  There is nothing better than spending the day with family! I want to wish a Happy Father's Day to my dad who has taught me so much and been the best dad in the world to me!  I also want to wish a Happy Father's Day to Dave who is such an amazing daddy to our little girl.  It makes me love him more and more everyday watching him be a daddy to our baby angel!  Sky and I love you so much and we are so lucky to have you!!  HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!
My Fam
Sky with her daddy at the lake

From Left: My Mama, Dad and I

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