We decided on a "sweet shoppe" theme for Skylar's birthday this year because she is the sweetest little girl and who doesn't love tons of candy. Skylar's Sweet Shoppe included hershey bars, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, jelly beans, gummy bears, misty mints, iced pretzels, iced cookies, and her very own smash cake. Before we indulged in the sweets, the guests had pizza, bbq nachos, chips, and chick fil-a nuggets. We appreciate all the loved ones who attended to make this party so special for the birthday girl!!
Skylar's Sweet Shoppe |
Yummy Sweets - Brownies, cookies, iced animal crackers, misty mints, gummy bears, jelly beans, pretzels, cupcakes, and lollipops |
Sweet Shoppe before the guests arrive |
Hershey's chocolate bars that read "Happy 1st Birthday Skylar" |
The birthday girl's high chair decorated |
Birthday girl |
Birthday girl with her Grandma |
From Left: Grandma, Daddy, Skylar, and that's Cousin Alice on the couch |
My Grammy, Cousin Megan, and Ethan - they drove up all the way from Harrisonburg, VA to be here and we are so appreciative!! |
Cousin Charlie |
Meg and Baby Ethan |
Time for Sparky's Smash Cake - I used one of the giant cupcake molds to make her a strawberry cupcake with vanilla icing and pink sprinkles
Fun times with Aunt Stacey and Uncle Matt |
Mama Bahr and Geez |
Uncle Doug and Cousin Sally |
Cousin Josie enjoying a cupcake |
Birthday girl getting ready to open all the wonderful gifts from family members |
Cousin Alice showing Skylar her new toy |
Cute new hat from Great Grammy Stevens |
Daddy with cousin Ransom |
Me sharing some smile time with Ranso |
Mommy and Baby |
From Left: Josie, Matt, Ransom, Dave, Skylar, Doug, Sally, and Charlie |
Ransom laid back in the dog bed |
Uncle Matt and Cousin Charlie |
Cousin Blake and Cousin Alice |
Sally, Blake, and Alice |
Sparky enjoying everyone's company |
Ransom and Geez |
Aunt Nancy and Cousin Karyle |
From Left: Grandma, Grandpa, Sparky, and Aunt Millie |
Grandpa, Sparky, and Aunt Millie
Thanks again to all of our wonderful family members for all the great gifts and for sharing this special day with Skylar!! |